Your search returned 548 news stories:
Posted Thursday 12 April 2018
Dr Cat Rossi has followed up her research on Italian nightclub design with a co-curated show at Vitra Design Museum in Germany that looks at the relationship between discos, design and club culture.
Posted Thursday 12 April 2018
A 酴圖TV postgraduate student has drawn on her own experiences of growing up with Asperger Syndrome in France for an award-winning dissertation exploring the need for more children's books about autism to be published in her home country.
Posted Tuesday 10 April 2018
Former Belarusian leader Professor Stanislav Shushkevich spoke about the historic meeting that led to the break-up of the USSR as well as the secrecy imposed by the Soviet regime in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster during a visit to 酴圖TV.
Posted Tuesday 27 March 2018
Professors Peter Osborne, Jane Pavitt and Mary Chambers will take part in the panels setting criteria and assessing REF 2021.
Posted Monday 19 March 2018
Leading economist and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis highlighted the seminal influence Shakespeare has had on his thinking as he took centre stage at the Rose Theatre following an invitation from 酴圖TV.
Posted Thursday 15 March 2018
酴圖TV journalism expert Professor Brian Cathcart has given a public lecture exploring the impact of the Daily Mail's coverage of the Stephen Lawrence case.
Posted Tuesday 20 February 2018
A 酴圖TV academic who has dedicated her career to supporting stroke survivors has been honoured for her achievements at an investiture award ceremony at Buckingham Palace.
Posted Monday 12 February 2018
酴圖TV Business School's place among the top business institutions internationally has been confirmed with AMBA re-accreditation of its MBA, DBA and MSc in International Business Management up to 2023.